We all have a part to play in building a more welcoming, inclusive and compassionate society. To celebrate the organisations who go above and beyond to welcome people seeking sanctuary, City of Sanctuary have a Sanctuary Awards programme.
Any community group, private organisation, public sector service or other bodies which contribute towards the vision of welcome can apply for the award. Appraised by a panel including someone with lived experience of seeking sanctuary and an expert in the field, this formal awards process recognises and rewards good practice and progress within a sector, whilst encouraging other organisations to do the same.
For all awards, applicants must demonstrate that they have done the following:
- Learn: find out what it means to be seeking sanctuary; and be actively involved in awareness raising.
- Embed: take positive action to make welcome and inclusion part of the values of your organisation or community, to support people who are seeking asylum and people who are refugees, and to include them in your activities.
- Share your vision and achievements: let others know about the positive contribution of people seeking sanctuary make to our society and the benefits of a welcoming culture to everyone.
The process is underpinned by our values and broader principles, as outlined in the City of Sanctuary Charter.
Sanctuary Awards have been developed in conjunction with schools, universities, arts organisations and others.
Get in touch if your organisation is interested in applying for a Sanctuary Award.